Matt looked stupid in his discussion with Dinesh D'Souza. He is made stupid by his politics.
This clip says it all: Dinesh D'Souza vs Matt Dillahunty on Testicles in the Women's Washroom
Dinesh is trying to point out that almost all women would feel uncomfortable with a man walking in on them. Matt can't even acknowledge this..
The demands of Dillahunty's core audience are that he dumbs down his skepticism for group identity.
Mr. DS
Used to be a huge fan of Matt, but he's become an partisan/ideological sycophant every bit as much as the religious sycophants that he debates. As he's become more ideologically rigid he's also become more angry and less willing to have meaningful and civil conversations. It's sad, I can't really listen to him anymore.
Maybe since he was once extremely religious, then militantly atheist, and is now extremely progressive/liberal/woke he is just more prone to going overboard with the ideologies that he adopts than most people. He seems to be incapable of moderation. Whatever ideology he adopts apparently ends in extremism.
And to be clear I'm a politically left leaning atheist.
Dillahunty is a cunt (I have this t-shirt)
and a political radical. Not a moral person by even the most basic standards. He wants a world where he can just walk into women's bathrooms. Where will we be in Dillahunty's world? Believing whatever some minorities tell him to believe.