Am I the only mind that exists?
This question has been posed many times but it seems in my universe I notice more and more I see it getting brushed aside as a waste of time. I want to know what literature there is on the subject. And if there is none I want to discover and share it. I hold no belief that other minds exist. I hold no belief that I am the only mind. Who cares? I do.
Why should you care? You shouldn't but you can.
It seems there is a very fine line that is instantly crossed by nearly all minds I have encountered. I'm hoping more are out there that can see the gap in understanding that is being filled with other minds similar to the gap in understanding being filled by the Religious with Gods.
Is there a question to be had about the usefulness of a Narcissistic seeming thought. Its seems narcissistic on its surface but if you look a little deeper it seems there is much more to uncover. More possibilities for understanding and compassion and pleasure and creativity. I have never written a post like this with spaces spell check or punctuation. I have never been able to express myself fully and thoughtfully without expecting someone to be right there all the time to answer my external question when I can just answer it myself.
What is this usefulness of Soft Solipsism? This article wouldn't exist without it.
This indicates other minds by asking am I the only mind... The intended question is am I the only thing (I think)?